Saturday 14 September 2013

African IQ levels so low as to make them useless in a modern technological society

Another letter to my English Member of Parliament

The following chart (The Evolution of Human Genetic and PhenotypicVariation in Africa Michael C. Campbell1 and Sarah A. Tishkoff1,2) shows how the different genetic groups of humans in Africa split from each other up to 150 thousand years ago and developed in isolation from each other.
Further, the group which was already separately developed and emerged from Africa 100 thousand years ago has again further developed separately. See link below:
(As the Published in final edited form as: Curr Biol. 2010 February23; 20(4): R166–R173. doi:  10.1016/j.cub.2009.11.050 PMCID:PMC2945812 NIHMSID: NIHMS235952)
"The Genetic Structure and History of Africans and African Americans" shows in the following chart how very different Europeans are from other subgroups.
Published in final edited form as: Science. 2009 May 22; 324(5930):1035–1044. Published online 2009 April 30. doi:0.1126/science.1172257 PMCID: PMC2947357 NIHMSID: NIHMS231118
The following link shows very low IQ results for sub Saharan Africa
Nigeria 67
Somalia 68
Congo 65
Equatorial Guinea 59
Ethiopia 63
Gabon 66
Gambia 64
Jamaica 72
Liberia 64
Why is it British Government policy to allow the mass immigration of peoples who are genetically very different to the indigenous population, and who appear to have average IQ levels so low as to make them useless in a modern technological society?
Why is there surprise when immigrants with low IQ become dependent on the state and riot when discontented with their lot?
Why aren't the British people made aware of these facts before throwing away 150 thousand years of separate genetic development?
What steps are being taken by the Government to remedy the situation?
Also sent to the British Privy Council.

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